TREN/FP7EN/239453 Project
SEETSOC Open Regional Balance Mechanism (RBM) software
Open RBM Software developed under FP7, EU funded project named SEETSOC is a tool of regional balancing mechanism with the goal of facilitating balance energy exchanges among the South East Europe TSOs.
Open RBM software product has a modular design using standard and web-based interfaces, and can be accessed through web services for system users. It could also be a stand-alone application which can be installed anywhere within a TSO’s operational network and can be integrated into existing Market Management Systems.
The offer client program is written in standard C++, using the Qt framework, a cross-platform application framework that is used for developing application software with graphical user interface (GUI). Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Qt is free and open source software. All editions support a wide range of compilers, including the GCC C++ compiler and the Visual Studio suite.
The server-side program is based on the web2py framework, which includes several Open Source modules for XML parsing, a comprehensive Database Abstraction Layer and support for automatic management and deployment of the applications.
Functions of Open RBM Software:
- Allows users to send and manage their offers
- Allows supervisors to
- Gather and control offers
- Compute merit orders and schedule deliveries
- Follow up on the conclusion of the transaction
- Generate settlement and billing data
Installation files:
Source code:
Manual and documentation:
Installation instructions:
Like any web2py application, OpenRBM is distributed in a pre-packaged W2P file that can be downloaded from the SEETSOC website. Web2py can be deployed on any system capable of running Python and an HTTP server that supports CGI. An overview of the various options is available here: . A tutorial, exemplifying deployment on CentOS/Red Hat systems is available at .
To install it, open the web2py administration console. In the lower-right corner, find the “Upload and install packed application” box. Give it a meaningful name and click Browse near “Upload a package”, pointing it to the .w2p file of the application. Click Install and web2py should confirm installation. OpenRBM is now installed. You can access it from the web2py root path with its name (e.g. if the app name is “seetsoc’, the web server is at and web2py’s root is at /, you can access it at
System requirements:
- Any system capable of running an HTTP server and, optionally, a DBMS.
Test configuration: Intel Pentium D 2.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB SATA-1, 7200 RPM hard-drive.
Recommended deployment features: aggressive database caching, filesystem optimized for large number of small files.
- Any system capable of running an ACID-compliant web browser, including mobile devices.
Test configuration: Intel Pentium D 2.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB SATA-1, 7200 RPM hard-drive.
A video tutorial for the applicationit can be found here.
Contact persons:
For assistance, contact Open RBM developers ( ) or visit web sitewww.
Costin Cepisca, email:
Mr. Costin Cepisca is currently Professor of measurement systems at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest and Head of Research Centre for Metrology and Measurement Systems. His present research interest includes the sensor interface systems, circuit design, signal processing, measurement theory and power quality. He has published more 600 technical papers and 60 books and has been involved in numerous government and industrial projects in area of measurements and instrumentation.
George Calin Seritan, email:
Mr. George Calin Seritan is currently Lecturer of measurement systems at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest and Assistant Director at the Quality of Energy Research Laboratory. His present research interest includes the digital signal processing, measurement theory and power quality, smart grid and biosensors. He has published more 40 technical papers and 7 books and has been involved in numerous projects in area of measurements.